
average person to believe that a man could actually like to dress as a woman, without having some ulterior or perverse motive.

Another case, which illustrates how vulnerable we are, is the "Pornock" incident. This man, in additifon to being a TV enjoyed bondage. One night it appears, he prevailed upon his wife to bind and gag him in the bath. This was apparently a common occurrance. His wife did so then turned the tap on and drowned him. The usual soft soap was spread around by the defense "the years of humiliation and despair" etc. ad nauseam. The woman was acquitted of a murder charge and subsequently collected considerable money in Royalties by having her story of "Degradation and Despair" published in the San- day papers.

The panty thief is a somewhat common bird these

days. Incidents are reported where bras and girdles have been taken from wash lines. These incidents can become quite a nuisance to the police department concerned. The offender is usually caught by baiting a wash line with enticing frillies. The thief is then hauled blushing and squirming before an unsympathetic court. Invariably the offender states it was "just a joke", the judge slaps him with a fine and there the matter rests. I once tried to discuss this trait with a panty thief with the idea that I could point out that he could buy these articles instead of stealing them. I had scarcely gotten two words out when the boy turned and ran off with a face as red as the sun. I could not approach him at all. He had prob- ably been exposed to so much ridicule that he could not conceive that anyone would or could help him.

There are many such instances which illustrate that we TV's do not have any rights and even less protection. Truly we are behind the 8 ball. Even bank robberies have been committed by men dressed as women. Looking at the problem dispassionately, I must confess that any kind of solution evades me, Certainly as a start, education and enlightenment as outlined in the pages of our maga- zine. The great problem is that just about anyone can masquerade as a woman, bring himself into disrepute and all of us are labelled as potentially dangerous. Perhaps some form of registration with one's police department or